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We have a Winner!

So I have been working feverishly on the site. I was hoping that I could have the site live by, well, today actually, but due to unforeseen circumstances I have had to change my whole website game plan. It’s not a huge deal, but it does mean more time, like 6 weeks more time. While I am bummed about the delay, I am happy that the site will be built right. There is nothing worse than having a broken site. In the mean time I have been doing some sewing, which I will take pictures of and share with you soon!

On to the winner though! I picked a random winner from my last post and the small cutting mat goes to …. Kelly! She wrote:

I like the tiny applique pins and the longer pins with blue and yellow glass heads. I use the Bohn marking pencil – love it. I am always drawn to ‘new’ gadgets and notions… Looking forward to visiting your shop!
Another Quilting Board Buddy,

Send me an email Kelly and I will get your prize out to you.

Happy Quilting!

1 thought on “We have a Winner!

  1. Congratulations to Kelly!!

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